By Soben Pin

Over the course of nearly a decade the KhmerPost USA has only ever endorsed one other political candidate: Maura Healey for Attorney General back in 2014. And I am proud of this stand to support a very intelligent and understanding individual who has done a phenomenal job thus far for the state of Massachusetts.
This 2016 election is closer to home. It is the State representative race in the 18th Middlesex District in Lowell that includes the Highlands and the Acre with its huge Cambodian population. The Cambodian people need their voices to be heard. Between Rady Mom and Kamara Kay, I believe Kamara Kay is not only the best listener but also the best advocate for his community.
I have known Kamara Kay since he ran for School Committee and have served with him on a couple of community service projects. He graduated from Lowell High School to a very reputable military school, Norwich University. He finished his masters degree with DeVry University in IT while working as an Associate Academic Dean. He is currently working for Santander Bank as a senior IT Analyst.
Kam understands the community challenges and honors their dignity on the top of all other requirements for a State Representative. He is modest and a worker for all the people of Lowell. I believe he is honest and will serve our needs well.
On Tuesday November 8th, I ask you to chose the candidate with the ability to address the challenges of our community. Vote Kamara Kay.