Lowell, Massachusetts 3/26/2020–As we are all trying to adjust to the effects of the Corona Virus, I would like to wish you and your families good health and safety. I want to inform our readers that we’re committed to continue to deliver news to you and your families during this unprecedented time of national emergency.

In this issue of Khmer Post USA, we focus on the nature of the Corona virus, how it spreads, how you can protect yourself, schools and business closures and tips on how to stay positive for your mental health during this prolonged social isolation.
Since our last edition two weeks ago, there have been many updates of Covid-19 that has affected on our everyday life. Two weeks ago, kids were still having normal days going to school and parents were able to go to work. Since last Monday, millions of children across the country are no longer able to attend school and families are urged to stay at home. A severe measure was taken by our government as President Donald Trump declared a national emergency.
At first I thought, as many people did, that maybe it was social media that made the fear of the coronavirus worse. I didn’t worry about it. As I followed the alarming increase in the number of cases within days, it became clear that this was a pandemic.
Here what I’ve gathered so far:
Travel Ban
President Donald Trump banned over a dozen countries from traveling into the United States. First was China on January 3 1, Iran on February 29, then the European countries on March 11. Southeast Asian countries were also closing their borders including Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. According to the Center for Disease Control travel health advisory, travel to Cambodia and Thailand are warning level 3, which means avoid nonessential travel, and Vietnam is warning level 4, which means no travel. In Cambodia the number of reported Corona virus is 87 people are infected as of Monday March 23, 2020.
Number of Deaths
Latest news as of March 26, more than 82,000 cases have been confirmed positive with coronavirus in the the United States and over 1,000 patients have died from the virus. In Massachusetts, there are 2,400 people infected by the virus and 25 people have died. It is advised that the families and children are to stay inside their homes to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Currently, there are 21 labs testing for covid-19 in Massachusetts. The number of cases are rising because more and more people are being tested. If you are not sure how to get tested, get in touch with your healthcare providers and they will walk you through the steps. There are also free drive-through testing sites at designated facilities including CVS and many hospitals throughout the state provided that you have the doctor’s order.
Corona Virus Relief Bill
A massive $2 trillion corona virus spending bill passed by the senate yesterday to bail out the US economy, increase unemployment insurance, and offer family cash assistance to cope from the layoffs and closures, to develop and purchase medical supplies for community hospitals in an effort to stop the spread of the disease.
Many experts believe the corona virus is the worst pandemic they have seen since 1918 and may have greater economic impact than the 2008 crisis.
News & Information
CDC — Center for Disease Control released a statement that advised everyone to practice “social distancing” to help reduce the spread of the Corona virus. What social distancing basically means is that you have to stand 6 feet away from each other in order to avoid breathing in the water droplets of another person who may be infected. Because it is a respiratory infectious disease, it is transmitted by touching, coughing, or sneezing. You do not have to wear mask if you have not been tested positive for corona virus. Wearing mask does not fully protect you; washing hands and using other disinfected FDA approved products will. In this print, we gathered a list of FDA products which you can buy to help your household clean since there hasn’t been any re-stock of hand sanitizers in the last two weeks. There are also no more toilet tissue rolls. We think this purchase was likely just out of fear because if someone gets sick, they would need tissue paper, when there is no tissue paper, toilet tissue paper is the next softest thing. However, it is very unlikely you need will it. What you need is to try to go about your every day as normal as possible, with a set of schedule to help kids stay home and healthy in the next few months until further notice.
Khmer Post USA Recommendations
For weeks, we have been following the news and we are recommending our audience the following how to keep your family healthy and safe.
- Make healthy home meals daily
- Go to the state, national parks for hiking and/or walking to keep your regular exercise and for stress relief during this anxious time
- Read books, news/magazine and/or watching Netflix family movies together
- Cut down reading newsfeed on Facebook or on any other social media platforms about the corona virus
- Consume just enough formal information about corona virus news to help you make healthy decisions for you and your family
- News sources and websites we recommend are major source like the Time Magazine which has weekly reports, New York Times which has daily updates and government website such as the Center for Disease Control has the most up to date information and health advisory at www.cdc.gov.
What’s open
This pandemic is affecting our economy very quickly and severely. However, I find the spirit of our community business owners are still optimistic.

Sethy Pao, owner of Angkor Thom market said “it’s okay, we can take the lost. Our lost is much smaller comparing to the airline company which lost millions of dollars. And we’re not afraid of the corona virus. Although our restaurants are closed, our market continue to open to serve our customers”. On Sunday March 22nd, I took a tour of the Lowell Cambodia Town to find which stores are open or closed. Here is a list I’ve found and wanted to share with our audience. Cambodian groceries are open including Bangkok Market, Pailin Market, Bayon Market, K-Market, and Hong Kong Market. The number of customers are slightly higher volume than usual. Cambodian restaurants that are open including Simply Khmer. Red Rose is available for take out only. Phnom Penh restaurant and Pepuptmei are closed. Yummy Express is also closed.
Function halls are closed including Sampao Meas Hall, Sunnyda, and Pailin City — that means there will be no Cambodian New Year celebration. The annual Cambodian New Year celebration at the Pailin Park has also been cancelled. The U.S. president ordered that no more than two dozens people can gather together. Governor Charlie Baker ordered a stay-at-home advisory and all non-essential businesses in the state to close in order to avoid spreading the virus. “Everyone should know that we will always allow essential businesses to remain open” said Governor Baker. Essential businesses including pharmacies, grocery stores and businesses that support them will remain open, gas station, medical equipment manufacturer, roads, bridges, tunnels and public transportation are open. “We urge people to stay at home and avoid any unnecessary activity because this will help avoid any unneeded person-to-person interaction that can spread the virus” said Governor Baker. Go to www.mass.gov/covid19 for more information on business categories which are considered essential.
The New Reality
In closing, I know for many Cambodians dealing with this new reality it must feel like preparing for a war crisis again, buying and stocking foods, keeping your family inside the house etc. Please know that we are all in this together. We are here to support one another and please check on friends and family, if not by physical visit, at least by phone calls or text messages may help reduce anxiety and social isolation. Stay warm and stay safe. Our phone line is open to hear your stories and how you are doing at 978-656-8141 or you may write to us at khmerpostusa@gmail.com