Dear Friends

The KhmerPost USA is proudly celebrating its #BIG10 ANNIVERSARY this Friday at May 19 at the Umass Lowell Inn & Conference Center at 5:30pm. We’re honored to celebrate with you our one decade of achievement; which has accomplished through the consistent of hard work, devotion, and your support.

When the KhmerPost USA was found in 2007 in Philadelphia, we did not know where our faith would lead us in the next 10 years. But our mission was to serve the Cambodian American communities across the United States.

Philadelphia wasn’t the highest Cambodian population in the United States; it was the 4th largest where resided by some 15,000 Cambodian people. However, it was a city where I grew up during my teenage years. It was a place where I’ve learned to become a community advocate by following some of the best examples – the teachers and mentors who had helped me through high school years when I was a refugee. They provided me the summer and after school jobs, coached me into a young working professional, and helped me getting into the Penn State University where I got a great education from one of the best institutions in the United States. It was a place where I later met and married Roger and together we launched the KhmerPost USA Newspaper.

KhmerPost USA was established with the ideas to help the community grow through sharing of the information and knowledge. It was found based on the spirit of giving and around the community education. I feel humbled today looking back and remember many of the community leaders, businesses, and organizations in Philadelphia whose’d supported us to achieve our mission from one edition to the next. We would have not made it to Lowell without them – some 4 years later.

The distance was 8 hours commute each way, I know, by heart as Roger and I traveled in our old van which filled with stacks of the newspapers driving up and down from Philadelphia – Lowell. We would cut through New Jersey – New York – Connecticut, stopped in Rhode Island – Massachusetts – then back. We’d do that for two full years before we finally decided that we’d to relocate our family to Lowell.

Our first full blown edition in Lowell was during the Southeast Asian Water festival weekend in 2010. After that,there was no going back. Every two weeks, like clock work. We printed and delivered.
The love and support we’ve received since that day in the Greater Lowell – Boston and Rhode Island (New England region) until now is no amount of scale we can weight. Today, as we’re celebrating our 10 years achievement; we’ve printed 220 editions, over 1 million free copies have shared with our community in the East Coast of the United States. And we did it because of you, our supporters and readers.

But our work isn’t done. Every day we’re faced with new challenges being the 1st and 2nd generation as the New Americans. We continue to need your support to keep doing what we do. Please join me and Roger on May 19th to show your supports.

Thank you our sponsors, supporters, readers, and fans for this event. Please call our office to purchase your tickets. Please contact my office if you have any questions. I am looking forward to celebrate our #BIG10 with you on May 19th!

Humbly yours,

Soben Pin
Co-founder & Managing Partner

Thank you the following sponsors for helping to make the KhmerPost USA #BIG10 Anniversary Celebration possible.

Silver Sponsor

Senior Whole Health

Bronze Sponsor

Dolan Fallon Health

Lynn Primary Care Center Lowell Spinners

Supporter: Enterprise Bank, Lowell Five Bank, Remedium Pharmacy, United Healthcare Senior Care Option , University of Massachusetts Lowell

Reader: Conway Insurance, Councilor James Leary, Lowell General Hospital, Middlesex Community College, Trinity EMS,Tufts Health Plan, Washington Savings Bank

Fan: Athenian Corner, Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association, Cobblestones Restaurant, Councilor John Leahy, Eastern Bank, Lowell Community Health Center, Councilor Rodney Elliott, Former Councilor Vesna Noun