By James Ostis
“Redefining Wellness” was the theme at the 19th Annual Lowell Women’s breakfast held at Lenzi’s on March 3, 2014. For keynote speaker, Linda Sopheap Sou, a key component of wellness is having a strong support system. In an emotional speech, Sou, who serves as the executive director of Angkor Dance Troupe and the director of Lowell Community Health Center’s Teen Block, talked about the notion of paying it forward citing the fact she currently works at two youth-serving organizations that helped shape her own youth. But most of all, Linda thanked her parents for being there for her all throughout her life.
Other speakers during the breakfast included a wide array of women in political office including appearances by Representative Niki Tsongas, State Senator Eileen Donoghue, and a special video greeting from United States Senator Elizabeth Warren. Tsongas cited the expanded numbers and clout within the women’s caucus since she first took office in 2007. Warren noted the importance of the week’s theme of health and wellness for women, citing the obstacles women face every day in those areas.
The breakfast also included the presentation of annual “Because of Her” Awards which were given to Jane Calvin, executive director of the Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust, Dracut junior high school teacher, Rebecca Duda and Brandi Giles, owner of Body Destinations in Tyngsboro. Lowell Women’s Week is held during the first week of March every year. Next year’s Lowell Women’s Week will mark the 20th year of the event. For more information, please visit www.lowellwomensweek.org.
This article appears in the March 7th, 2014 Edition of KhmerPostUSA
Previously: New Year, New Leadership for Angkor Dance Troupe