Lowell, MA — Vesna Nuon topped the ticket in Lowell City Council prelmimarny election on Tuesday, September 24.

“I’d like to thank you our brothers and sisters for coming out to vote for me and I ask for their continued support in the general election on Tuesday, November 5. We must join our hands together to be strong” said Nuon.
Nuon served one term as city councilor from 2012-2013, and currently serving as Vice Mayor. He also had earned the top ticket in the last election cycle.
This election has two open council seats. Councilor Jim Millinazzo decided not to seek the re-election and councilor Ed Kennedy was elected as State Senate in the last fall. Consequently, there are at least 2 new councilors to be elected in this race, assuming if all incumbents will be re-elected.
Two other Cambodian American candidates are also running. They are including Ty Chum, the first time candidate who finished 12, and Sokhary Chau, previously ran unsuccessfully in 2017, finished 7.
Here is the summary for preliminary results for all 20 candidates by top ticket earner’s name and amount of total votes each received on Tuesday, September 23rd, 2019
- Vesna Noun, 2,567
- Rita M. Mercier 2,560
- Rodney M. Elliott 2,236
- Daniel P. Rourke 2,159
- John Drinkwater 1,983
- John Leahy 1,982
- Sokhary Chau 1,864
- Corey Belanger 1,840
- William Bill Samara 1,784
- Martin Marty Lorrey 1,663
- David M. Ouellette 1,579
- Ty Chum 1,531
- Karen A. Cirillo 1,494
- David J. Conway 1,442
- 15. Jeffrey L. Thomas 1,136
- Harry Kortikere 943
- A. Amparo-Delvillar 887
- Juan C. Castaneda 880
- Martin J. Hogan 809
- Jose W. Negron 752
Because there are 20 candidates, two candidates received the least votes are eliminated in the preliminary election. Top 18 vote getters are going into the general election in November. 9 highest bidders will serve in the 2020-2021 council term. General election be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019.