The new city council will not have to wait long for its first major decision.

At the end of the January 6th council meeting, the first of the new term, City Manager Bernard Lynch announced his intention to resign from his office effective March 10th, 2014. Lynch, who was first hired in July 2006, had less than a year remaining on his contract and a major question mark of the new council was whether or not his deal would be extended. But Lynch had other plans, and in keeping with the terms of his contract, gave the council two months notice of his plans to exit 375 Merrimack St.
Lynch’s 7 ½ year stint as manager makes him one of the longest serving city managers in Lowell’s history. During his time in office, the city was able to drastically strengthen its financial well-being after facing large deficits and being placed on a Massachusetts Department of Revenue watch list during the previous administration. Lynch also made efforts to reach out to the diverse communities of Lowell through board appointments and supported various innovative municipal government reforms.
This article appears in the January 10th edition of KhmerPostUSA