Because of the federal interest rate hike in the past 12 months and the expected increase in interest rate continuing in 2023, many banks and credit unions now offer high-yield saving accounts and CDs above 4%, higher than the last 15 years.

Jeanne D’arc Credit Union of Lowell, Massachusetts offers 4.25% APY certificate of deposit (CD) rates with only $250 minimum to open an account and hold for 17 months. Various banks currently offer high-yield saving accounts with very little red tape. Citizen bank offers 4% APY saving account with a minimum balance of just $1. For those able to hold a larger saving, Cambridge Savings Bank offers 4.75% annual interest rate for a 14-months CD with $10,000 minimum requirement for Massachusetts residents.
The Federal Treasury also offers attractive rates of 4.88% yield for a 2-year Treasury Bill, 4.26% yield for 5-year, and 3.96% yield for 10-year at the time of this writing.