By Soben Pin
The Lowell Sun had held the 18th Middlesex District State Representative Debate on October 19th at the Sun’s meeting room. The candidates were Kamara Kay, a Republican and Rady Mom who is an incumbent democrat. The KhmerPost USA’s editor, Roger Pin and I also have attended this debate. It was broadcasted live on the Sun’s facebook page. And now you have the scripts from that debate taking by Daniel Uk, a political science student of Umass Lowell, available to read here: khmerpost-script-18th-middlesex-3-2

The Election Day is on November 8th. Please don’t forget to cast your ballot. Early voting is going on now through November 4th. If you have any question about where your poll is, please call the Lowell Election and Census office at: 978-674-4046. Khmer speaking staff is available to answer your questions.